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How to Prepare for Your Solar Panel Installation

Oct 26, 2022

Thinking about installing solar panels? According to The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, rooftop solar panels can supply the U.S. with about 40% of the total electricity required. There are several advantages to generating your own energy at home. The first is that your electricity bill becomes cheaper. If you have decided to go ahead with solar, there are a few things you should do ahead of time. Here's how you can prepare for your solar panel installation.

Decide How Much Electricity You Need

Before you can install a solar panel system on your home, you should first determine the amount of energy you want to produce. This will help you determine the size of the system you should be getting. To get an idea of how much energy is needed to power your home, you can order a home energy audit. A solar system installation expert can help you determine the size of the solar panel system needed for your home. They can also help you figure out your energy storage needs. Apart from your home's energy needs, you should also consider the amount of space available on your roof.

Consider Where the Solar Panels Will Go

It's important to figure out where your solar panels will go beforehand. That way, you can prepare your roof for the extra weight. It's important to order a roof inspection before the
solar panel installation. If your roof is damaged, you should get it repaired first. Installation of solar panels on a damaged roof is not a good idea, and it can even lead to further damage. In some instances, you may also have to do some roof upgrades before you can install solar panels. Find the most reputable roofing contractor around you and tell them the weight of the panels you're considering. They can typically help you select the best spot for solar panels.

Get the Necessary Permits

If you want to put solar panels on your home, you need permits. Fortunately, the majority of solar installation companies will help you get all the necessary permits. Local authorities will require specifications for your equipment. They'll also want to see the system's design and your building plan. This is why it's a good idea for your solar installation company to take the lead. You can also look into opportunities for compensation from your utility company. In some states, you may be compensated for the excess electricity you produce.

To prepare for a solar panel installation, you should think about the permits you need, where the panels are going to go, and how much electricity you need to generate. If you're considering solar panels for your home, reach out to us today at Ethos Green Power Cooperative for a free quote and more information.

solar power system
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